Wednesday, July 28 – Thursday, August 5, 2021
Mass 7:30 p.m., nightly
Church of Our Lady of the Snows

July 28: Mary, a dwelling of God

July 29:  Mary, Mother of our Savior

July 30:  Mary, intercessor for all our trials and fears

July 31:  Mary, sign of our health, healing and divine hope

August 1:  Mary, refuge of sinners and mother of reconciliation

August 2:  Mary, model of hospitality to God’s people

August 3:  Mary, in union with the Father and her Son Jesus

August 4:  Mary, perpetually directing us to life in Jesus

August 5:  Mary, a sign of God’s promise to His people (Feast of Our Lady of the Snows)


Pilgrims from across town or around the world can now take part in the Healing and Hope Novena.  The liturgies are livestreamed each night at beginning at 7:30 pm, Central Time.  The celebrations are also recorded and available on the website for several days after they originally air.  You can sign up for notiication emails about the novena by clicking the button below.