Great News…

Your digital copy of Sunrise to Sunset: Morning and Evening Prayers is on its way to your inbox.  It should arrive in a few minutes.  We hope these inspirational words enrich your prayer life.
This eBook is so important to share right now, because we are all hoping for a better year this year.  And that has to begin with prayer. It’s part of the Oblates’ ultimate mission to preach the Good News of salvation and draw people closer to the heart of Jesus.  And it’s because of our generous donors, people like you, that we are able to share this eBook with you.
Will you help us get this eBook into the hands of more people?  So that they can join in prayer with you?
When you support the Oblates, you not only will help reach people with important prayer resources like this one.  You will be co-missionaries with us as we celebrate the sacraments, feed and shelter the poor, care for orphaned children, and nurture the sick and elderly.  You will be with us as we offer spiritual guidance to pilgrims at Shrines and retreat centers around the world as well.
Would you consider making a monthly gift in support of the ministries of the Missionary Oblates?
If you can become an monthly supporter of the Missionary Oblates, you would help provide ongoing physical and spiritual care to people around the world on a daily basis. As an expression of our thanks for your faithful support, we would be honored to light a Votive Candle for you every month as we bring your personal intentions before the Lord.
Use the form below to make a monthly gift of $15 or more to be a part of this special opportunity and have a candle lit with your intentions.
If you prefer to not commit to a monthly donation at this time, just uncheck the recurring gift box and your one-time gift will bless the ministry of the Missionary Oblates.
God bless you for your generosity, and thank you for helping us bring new life into the lives of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in Christ.

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