Bring Healing and Hope Through Prayer

Enroll a Loved One in Healing Masses

You may not have realized it, but you probably have been touched by a miracle in your life. It may not have been a dramatic miracle, but it was a miracle nonetheless. It was more likely a simple gift of faith – the realization that God’s love is truly part of your life.

When we need healing, Our Lady of Lourdes stands out as one of the most powerful figures of healing grace.

Each year thousands of pilgrims journey to Lourdes, France, seeking spiritual, emotional and often physical healing.

We believe these favors are granted through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes who appeared to St. Bernadette 18 times in 1858. The “miracles” began soon after Our Lady showed St. Bernadette where to dig to uncover a spring of holy water.

I invite you to send me the name of your loved one so they can be remembered for one year in our special monthly Masses for healing celebrated at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, and Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and Tepeyac de San Antonio.

Simply select a Healing Enrollment card below. Then send or give the card to your loved one so they are aware that the Missionary Oblates are praying for them to receive healing. This card can be used for people in need of physical or spiritual healing.

The Missionary Oblates would greatly appreciate a gift of any amount in support of our healing ministries in the United States and in 70 countries. Whether as missionaries, chaplains or in parishes, we share the Good News so that people know they do not face their difficulties alone.

Miracles of faith are taking place every day, and the Missionary Oblates are honored to be able to comfort people in need. I invite you to set a miracle of faith in motion for someone you love.

May God bless you and those you love.

Fr. David Signature

Prayers of Healing and Hope
Prayers of Healing and Hope

This striking six-panel card includes a comforting healing prayer. Brief histories of the Miracle of Lourdes and the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate are also included.

Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes

This striking six-panel card features Our Lady of Lourdes and includes a comforting healing prayer as well as an additional prayer for Healing and Hope.

Misas Para Su Sanación
Misas Para Su Sanación

Esta hermosa tarjeta de seis paneles presenta a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y las palabras de consuelo que le dio a San Juan Diego. Incluye una oración de Sanación.

Our Lady of the Snows Votive
Our Lady of the Snows Votive

A Votive Candle will be lit for you. Your intentions will be remembered by the Oblates at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows and throughout the world.

Make a Donation

If you already have an Enrollment Card and would like to submit the recipients name and make your donation, enter the donation amount below and enter in the name of your loved one.

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