Mary’s Circle of Friends Club
Join us in prayer to support the Oblates’ worldwide ministries.
Mission Friendship Club
With help of generous donors like you we provide spiritual and financial support for the ministries of the Oblates.
Mission of the Month Club
In major cities, an ambulance or fire truck is only a few minutes away in an emergency, but when a disaster strikes in one of our isolated msision areas, there are no such services. Our missionaries need a friend they can count upon in an emergency, someone like you!
Oblate Missionaries dedicate their lives to bring peace, comfort and hope to the less fortunate. Join our Oblate Emeritus Society to ensure they receive well-deserved care in their elder years!
Oblate Partners Club
By joining the Oblate Partners club, you will be helping Oblate missionaries realize their mission of spreading the “Good News” and of assisting the poor and most abandoned.
Our Common Home Club
“It’s not easy being green” Well that’s not true, when you join the Missionary Oblates newest ecological initiative.
Seminarian Sponsorship Club
The Harvest is Abundant but the Laborers are few. Be a Seminarian Sponsor. Ensure the future of the Mission.
There are over two billion people in the World who have never heard the Word of God. Will there be enough priests to administer sacraments in the future? Who will marry your children, baptize grandchildren and celebrate Mass?
Shrine Advocate Club
Support the Shrine’s year-round spiritual events and programs.