Here is the most recent information we have received in regards to the war in Ukraine. Please keep the Oblates and the people they serve in your prayers.
“Glory be to Jesus Christ!
My name is Fr. Vadim Dorosh O.M.I. I’m a military chaplain. I want to share with you information about the situation in Ukraine.
Father Pavlo Vyshkovskyi, OMI shares his experience in Ukraine with EWTN.
One of the places most affected by the war has been the city of Chernihiv, where we have an Oblate house. Located on the border with Russia and Belarus, the city of Chernihiv has been overrun by enemy forces since the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation.
From Fr. Andrzej Juchniewicz O.M.I., Superior of Oblate Mission in Belarusvia:
“While writing these words, I risk prosecution before the Belarusian court, but I would like this objection to be heard publicly.”
Scholastic (in formation to the priesthood) Brother Nobert Jablko, O.M.I. is currently on the pastoral internship in Ukraine. He had an opportunity to return to Poland, but decided to stay… Why?
Zahutyń: A monastery that has become a refugee aid warehouse
The Provincial of the Polish Province went to the Polish-Ukrainian border.
From the Oblates in Poland
We share with you a touching video with some images of the Oblates in Ukraine. They have opened their houses for the fleeing refugees.
From Fr. Vitalij Podolan OMI, Superior of Oblate Delegation in Ukraine
Oblate Military Chaplain Ministering in Ukraine
Living through the Ukraine war
Oblates in Ukraine shelter people in their homes
Oblates taking risks in Belarus
Oblates staying with the people
Polish Oblates helping Ukrainian refugees