Have a candle lit for your Mother.
Having a Votive Candle lit is a beautiful form of prayer. The light from the candle is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the World. You may have a Votive Candle lit for yourself, a loved one or a special intention.
Each day, the Missionary Oblates remember in prayer the people and intentions symbolized by the candles.
A Votive Candle will be lit for you and your intentions for a donation of $25 or more. Your intentions will be remembered by the Oblates at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows and throughout the world.
You can make your secure donation on the form below to have a Votive Candle lit at the Shrine for a gift of $25 or more.
Please indicate on the below form if you are having this candle lit for a specific person.
God bless you for your generosity and thank you for helping us Light Up The Shrine!
Thank You!
Thank you for your support.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your gift shortly.