Our Common Home
You have probably heard the phrase, “It’s not easy being green.” Well that’s not true, when you join the Missionary Oblates’ newest ecological initiative.
It’s easy to be green as a member of Our Common Home. All you do is make a small monthly commitment to support the environmental work of Oblates around the world. You will then be part of a global network of missionaries and benefactors who are working to preserve the Integrity of Creation, especially as it relates to the earth’s poorest residents. Yes, it’s that easy!
You will be part of La Vista Farm, a community-supported organic garden located at the Oblates’ novitiate in Godfrey, Illinois. In Tijuana, BC Mexico you will be helping the Oblates bring fresh water to a hospice where tuberculosis victims spend their final days. Please review the brochure to learn about other Oblate ecological ministries.
When your support reaches $10, I will send you three Our Common Home Tote Bags. As you use your tote bags, you will be fulfilling a priority of Fr. Bill Davis, O.M.I. Father Bill was a leader in efforts to get most plastic bags banned in Laredo, Texas where residents were using 120 million plastic bags a year. The ban has greatly reduced the number of plastic bags littering the city, which has been causing significant problems in the city’s creeks, storms drains and the Rio Grande, the city’s only source of drinking water.
In addition to the tote bags, which folds for easy storage, you will also receive the following benefits when you join Our Common Home:
– You will receive the quarterly Our Common Home News, which highlights Oblate environmental initiatives around the world.
– You will receive Oblate World, our magazine that is published three times a year with stories about a variety of Oblate ministries.
– Each day, you will be remembered at Mass at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows and the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome (730 Masses every year).
– In more than 60 countries Oblates will pray for your intentions daily.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Our Common Home club. Together, we will make a positive impact on the lives of people for many generations to come.
To join the Our Common Home Club, indicate below the amount of your recurring monthly donation, then click “Make My $ Monthly Gift”
If you have questions or need more information call 1-888-330-6264 Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Central Time and Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Central Time.
Thank You!
Thank you for your support.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your gift shortly.