Polish Oblates helping Ukrainian refugees
Zahutyń: A monastery that has become a refugee aid warehouse
The Provincial of the Polish Province went to the Polish-Ukrainian border.
On Thursday evening Fr. Provincial Paweł Zając O.M.I. and Provincial Economer Józef Czernecki O.M.I. reached the community in Zahutyń near Sanok – it is an Oblate institution in the Przemyśl archdiocese, located on the closest border with Ukraine. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the realities of support for refugees in this place and to find out about further possibilities of pastoral and humanitarian involvement.
The monastery in Zahutyń has become an aid warehouse
In the evening, the provincial priest met a group of parishioners who regularly sort all kinds of gifts in the Oblate monastery and then transport them to aid centers closer to the border. It is a well-coordinated action. Demand is changing, so be sure to check what is needed before you accumulate gifts spontaneously. At present, for example, the most needed are dressing materials, painkillers, basic medications. Still, before you start gathering anything, it’s always a good idea to contact your local parish (see the parish priest below).
Still-needed gifts
Therefore, it is still possible to provide general material assistance to the inhabitants of Ukraine in the following way: contact with the parish priest of the Oblate parish in Zahutyń, Father Karol Bucholec O.M.I., personal delivery of the necessary materials to the Oblate monastery, from where they will be transferred to official distribution centers, operating within state administration structures. This facilitates the transfer of gifts abroad and ensures that they will reach those in need.
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Polish Oblates helping Ukrainian refugees
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