The Fact That the Oblates are Missionaries Really Struck a Chord
Bro. Mateusz Garstecki, OMI, is the first Missionary Oblate Seminarian to study in Rome since 2010. He grew up in a devout family and was motivated by his aunt, a Holy Spirit Missionary Sister, to consider religious life. He met with Fr. Charlie Banks, OMI, who was the vocations director at the time and felt that God was speaking to him because of his aunt’s work. “The fact that the Oblates are missionaries really struck a chord deep inside of me,” said Bro. Mateusz.
Being able to study in Rome is an honor for Bro. Mateusz.
“I have been very blessed to experience life in the community here. I am encouraged in my vocational journey as I continue to meet other Oblates and scholastic brothers who share very richly from their own cultural experiences and their vocational call to serve as missionaries throughout the world.”
He also mentioned his gratitude for our co-missionaries and their support for the Missionary Oblates and our seminarians.
“I know that my daily life and the opportunity to be here in Rome depend on you and other generous donors who remember me in their prayers. Be assured that I also remember you in my prayers, with great gratitude for your faithfulness.”
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